Now, two weekends ago I did the SleepCenter, got there at around 9PM on a Saturday and they wired me up. There were wires on my legs, on my arms, around my chest, all over my head it was a trip to be sure. Around 1030PM I got to sleep. Just passed out as I did not have an afternoon nap, at around 130AM the nurse came in and got me on the CPAC, and I went to sleep again. I got up thinking it must be around 3AM and I needed to go into the bathroom but the nurse said he was about to wake me up for the 530AM wake up call.
On Wednesday I went to see Dr. Y. and he gave me the print out of my Sleep Apnea. So a guy my age (49) expects to see and the SA Test around 30 chokes and hour, I experienced 52.48 chokes an hours, so I was waking up, not going into my REM sleep for most of the time.
Dear me!
Which, is why I have not had enough oxygen coming to me in my Sleep Mode, not nearly enough because my Sleep Apnea had my uvulas pressing down, and I was choking so I woke up, not really awake but enough to keep me out of my REM Sleep.
So Dr. Y wrote up the prescriptions which I should have had it on Thursday, but the internet was down, which translates into bad news for Sansum, they use to fax everything over to BLUECROSS back in the day, but without the internet it goes so much slower than that.
I have been on the CPAC for 5 days, and I feel so much better, I mean it really is a dream come true. I think that, after 2 to 3 weeks you should see a new me. It really is crazy my friend, really crazy.