Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Blood Test
Friday, November 7, 2008
It Feels Great!

So be it. It is really something that I feel this good, it is unbelievable. Halla-Dog! Of course it could all go away buy I have a feeling we shall keep the goodness, goodly, good-able, good gracious. It is remarkable to me how just a month ago I felt pretty good, was still in my strokism, today the stroke is mile behind me, and it feels great.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Oh yhea, I am an Atheists....
"Your petitioners are Atheists, and they define their lifestyle as follows. An Atheist loves himself and his fellow man instead of a god. An Atheist accepts that heaven is something for which we should work now – here on earth – for all men together to enjoy. An Atheist accepts that he can get no help through prayer, but that he must find in himself the inner conviction and strength to meet life, to grapple with it, to subdue it and to enjoy it. An Atheist accepts that only in a knowledge of himself and a knowledge of his fellow man can he find the understanding that will help lead to a life of fulfillment."
"He must find in himself the inner conviction and strength to meet life..."
Yes this is it. I totally have a feeling for those who have found god. It is real for them and they need it. To me, ever thing I have ever known is within my skin. I don't really know how else to put it. We are born alone, we die alone.
O won wow O
Monday, November 3, 2008
I recall it but do I remember it?
Every so often I think of something that I recall but do not remember. It has to do the Strokism. This morning it was Santa Barbara Dist. I ran a route there for eleven years. It was just at the start of the PC generation. We had an IBM then, got it from Nana and Papa Jack. As they were IBM-ers. It was a hoot. This was before there was a URL, you had to go every where with links. A picture took you about an hour to view. Anyway, this was, let’s see, 26 years ago. It was when cell phone we’re taking off. And beepers were the outrage. Good times! So, the Strokism, I recall a dream I had where SB Dist was in it. I went to them after the Stoke and confessed I needed a job right then. They gave it to me. So I was running a route again. It was really pretty weird. In fact I could do everything I should do and did not have to speak a word. I was dead tired by the time I got to the end of the day. Then I woke up.