Wednesday, September 30, 2009




The necessary means, especially financial means: didn't have the wherewithal to survive an economic downturn.

Slang Dictionary
wherewithal [ˈʍɛrwɪθɑl]

  1. n.
    money. : I don't have the wherewithal to invest in anything like that.
  2. n.
    motivation; gumption. : As soon as I get some wherewithal, I'll get a new computer.
I don't have the wherewithal to manage a stroke. I can only do what I do, in essence.

Yes, it seems like ages ago "wherewithal" was forced into my being. If folks asked me :

"Are you going to get a new car?"

I would say.



"Your back yard looks nice."

I would say.


Money. Motivation. Gumption. It could mean any of those things and for example, if you said the sky is falling. My response could have been :


wherewithal  (adv.)

"means by which," 1535, from where + withal. The noun is first recorded 1809.

Or it could mean : "I am astounded that the, means by which, your hat blew away!"

It could have come from 1809 if you want to know the truth.

Or it could mean:


During the stroke I did not have the means or substance so wherewithal was the term.

Or during the stroke I did not have the means or substance, I just wanted to sleep : wherewithal.

In fact "wherewithal" left me 1.2 years ago. To which I say:

Good Bye wherewithal, see you soon!

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