It is funny the things you have to put up with when you have had a Stroke. I now I have said this many times. I am really feeling better than ever. It is others I have to deal with now which is bizarre. My family is with me, they tell me when I make since or not. And that guides me. It was horrible the last six months, awful, but now the depression is going away. Thank the Dog for that. I was relating this to a friend whom I have known since Kindergarten. And he had to tell me :
" Please, no more Stroke! Give me something else to deal with, your wife or family or the dog. Please! "
Which kind of wigged me out. I have been related my experience to him via emails, virtually every day, for lets see, 18 months. When I truly look at this, yes, 18 months of my Strokism would seem to get to me. And I have had the Stroke! Sorry my friend from Kindergarten!
It is weird buy I am getting through it. What else can I do, crawl under a stone? I don't think so.
" Please, no more Stroke! Give me something else to deal with, your wife or family or the dog. Please! "
Which kind of wigged me out. I have been related my experience to him via emails, virtually every day, for lets see, 18 months. When I truly look at this, yes, 18 months of my Strokism would seem to get to me. And I have had the Stroke! Sorry my friend from Kindergarten!
It is weird buy I am getting through it. What else can I do, crawl under a stone? I don't think so.
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